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userinterface.Gui Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for userinterface.Gui:
Collaboration diagram for userinterface.Gui:

Public Member Functions

 Gui (Svg temp)
void addrightmenutocodeListener (MouseListener e)
void addClosingListener (WindowAdapter w)
void addcodetextListener (KeyListener type)
void addsaveListener (ActionListener e)
void addloadListener (ActionListener e)
void addsvgcanvasListener (MouseListener m)
void addpopupactionListener (ActionListener e)
void adddynamicrefListener (ActionListener e)
void addlinkactivationListener (LinkActivationListener l)
void addreferenceListener (ActionListener e)
void addbackListener (ActionListener e)
void addgeneratelinkListener (ActionListener e)
void addnoteListener ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void main (String[] args)

Public Attributes

JPanel contentPane
JSVGCanvas svgcanvas
JScrollPane svgpane
JMenuBar menuBar
JMenu mnFile
JMenuItem menuitem_save
JMenuItem menuitem_load
JMenu mnPreferences
JCheckBoxMenuItem rdbtnmntmOpenInNew
JPanel top_element_panel
JPanel top_button_panel
JButton reference_button
JButton note_button
JButton back_button
JLabel validation_label
JPanel left_list_panel
JList list
JScrollPane listpane
RSyntaxTextArea code_text_area
RTextScrollPane code_text_pane
Svg svgjobs
DefaultListModel< DrawerItemmodel =null
JFileChooser fc_save
JFileChooser fc_load
JFileChooser fc_export
JFileChooser fc_reference
JPopupMenu Pmenu
JPopupMenu Pmenu1
JMenuItem popupmenu_item_export
JMenuItem popupmenu_item_ref
SeperateDisplay linkwindow
PreviewPane preview
NoteGui note_screen
JCheckBoxMenuItem chckbxmntmRemove
RefGui ref_screen
JButton save_button
JLabel filename_label
JCheckBoxMenuItem chckbxmntmIncrementalModel

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

userinterface.Gui.Gui ( Svg  temp)

Create the frame.

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: