| Gui (Svg temp) |
void | addrightmenutocodeListener (MouseListener e) |
void | addClosingListener (WindowAdapter w) |
void | addcodetextListener (KeyListener type) |
void | addsaveListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addloadListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addsvgcanvasListener (MouseListener m) |
void | addpopupactionListener (ActionListener e) |
void | adddynamicrefListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addlinkactivationListener (LinkActivationListener l) |
void | addreferenceListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addbackListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addgeneratelinkListener (ActionListener e) |
void | addnoteListener () |
static void | main (String[] args) |
JPanel | contentPane |
JSVGCanvas | svgcanvas |
JScrollPane | svgpane |
JMenuBar | menuBar |
JMenu | mnFile |
JMenuItem | menuitem_save |
JMenuItem | menuitem_load |
JMenu | mnPreferences |
JCheckBoxMenuItem | rdbtnmntmOpenInNew |
JPanel | top_element_panel |
JPanel | top_button_panel |
JButton | reference_button |
JButton | note_button |
JButton | back_button |
JLabel | validation_label |
JPanel | left_list_panel |
JList | list |
JScrollPane | listpane |
RSyntaxTextArea | code_text_area |
RTextScrollPane | code_text_pane |
Svg | svgjobs |
DefaultListModel< DrawerItem > | model =null |
JFileChooser | fc_save |
JFileChooser | fc_load |
JFileChooser | fc_export |
JFileChooser | fc_reference |
JPopupMenu | Pmenu |
JPopupMenu | Pmenu1 |
JMenuItem | popupmenu_item_export |
JMenuItem | popupmenu_item_ref |
SeperateDisplay | linkwindow |
PreviewPane | preview |
NoteGui | note_screen |
JCheckBoxMenuItem | chckbxmntmRemove |
RefGui | ref_screen |
JButton | save_button |
JLabel | filename_label |
JCheckBoxMenuItem | chckbxmntmIncrementalModel |
userinterface.Gui.Gui |
( |
Svg |
temp | ) |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- C:/Users/can/Dropbox/dissertation/code/src/userinterface/Gui.java