Neural network like 20Q Game using java programming language and Neuroph library. Detailed information codes,paper hosted on here.
Neural network like 20Q Game using java programming language and Neuroph library. Detailed information codes,paper hosted on repository.Project composes with two different part.
This part the of project aims to, design a neurol network like 20Q game using java programming language and Neuroph library. Input output and hidden neurons will be fixed in number. The program asks certain number of questions to guess the animal. It is not able to learn new concepts
This part of the project aims to extend part 1. The project program in this part is able to: • Updated classifications which enables program to discriminate animals better. • Learn new concepts • Verify Classifications • More scalability • Generating questions from attributes • Adjusting network parameters automatically
Project run environment
windows 7 - javaSE 1.6 ubuntu 12 - javaSE 1.6
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